NPM commands

Ayesha M
1 min readFeb 10, 2022

Here I will note down few npm commands and their usage.

Before starting with the commands, I want to note the semvar notations for npm dependency versions. Node dependencies follow Semvar annotations. Which means: major.minor.patch.

Carret (^) sign means major version has to match and rest can be changed durning update. It is equivalent to 5.x.y, meaning major version has to be 5 but minor or patch version can vary.

Tilda (~) sign means both major and minor version has to match but patch version can change. This is equivalent to 5.4.x, meaning major version has to be 5 and minor version has to be 4 but patch can be updated to latest.

Equal (=) sign refers to exact value. It is equivalent to just writing the version really.

npm update

Updates dependencies that are not fixed. That is does not start with ^ or ~ signs.

npm outdated

Shows the versions that will be updated but does not actually do the update. For example for the following package.json file:

{"name": "test-package","version": "1.0.0","dependencies": {"lodash": "~4.15.2","express": "^4.17.2"

npm outdated command yields the following output

Package  Current  Wanted   Latest  Location
express MISSING 4.17.2 4.17.2 test-package
lodash MISSING 4.16.6 4.17.21 test-package

npm show <dependency name> versions

This command shows all the versions available for the dependency.

npm show <dependency name> version

This command shows current version for the dependency.

npm install <dependency name>@latest or version number

This will install the latest version or the specific version mentioned. For example npm install lodash@latest or npm install lodash@4.17



Ayesha M

I am a software developer, who is easily intrigued by anything tech and is always thriving to make software development more inclusive and empathetic.